Experimental display of the extended polarization coherence theorem

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Auccapuclla Quispe, Fabio Joel
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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We report experimental results that show the interplay between visibility, distinguishability, and the degree of polarization, as ruled by a recent extension of the polarization coherence theorem (PCT). Theorems of this kind address duality in both quantum and classical scenarios. We particularly focus on the inherent vector nature of the polarization degree of freedom and display various effects that lie beyond the scope of the original PCT. Our results exhibit features that can be shared by quantum and classical phenomena, whenever these phenomena reflect some hidden or exposed coherence.
Finalmente, agradecer a CIENCIACTIVA-CONCYTEC por la ayuda financiera ortogado en forma de beca con la cual ser posible completar este trabajo.
Palabras clave
Teoría cuántica, Polarización (Física nuclear)