Early seed plants in the Southern Hemisphere: I. Associated ovulate and microsporangiate organs from the carboniferous of Peru
Early seed plants in the Southern Hemisphere: I. Associated ovulate and microsporangiate organs from the carboniferous of Peru
Erwin D.M.
Pfefferkorn H.W.
Alleman V.
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A new type of pteridosperm ovulate fructification has been recovered from Carboniferous sediments on the Paracas peninsula of Peru, South America. Co-occurring in a monospecific assemblage with the ovulate fructification are fragments of microsporangiate branch systems that display a progymnosperm-like grade of organization.
Palma for their assistancien the field; G. Christian Amstutz for help in early phaseso f the project; Winfried Remy for assistanceg etting literature; Sarah A. Riley for plant illustrations;P hillip M. Willson for drafting the sectiona nd locality maps; and Manoj Aggarwal for photographica ssistance. This research was supportedb y grants from the National ScienceF oundation( EAR-8916826a) nd the Research Foundation of the University of Pennsylvaniat o HWP, and a grant from the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONCYTEC) to VA.
Palabras clave
seed plant,
microsporangiate organ,
ovulate organ,
Paracas Peninsula