Pulse oxygen saturation in healthy newborns at term in Cusco, Peru

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Hurtado A.
Gonzales G.F.
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John Wiley and Sons Ltd
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Increased neonatal mortality at high altitudes is associated with reduced oxygen availability [1]. In the Central Andes (4340 m), 21.6% of all newborns at term have a low pulse oxygen saturation (SpO2) (<30%), compared with 3.05% of newborns at sea level [2]. Why some groups are more hypoxemic than others at the same high altitude seems to be related to the number of generations they have lived at that altitude [3]. For example, populations from the Central Andes settled at a later date and are more hypoxemic than populations from the Cusco region in the Southern Andes [3].
This study was supported by a grant from theConsejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innova-ción Tecnológica (CONCYTEC), Lima, Peru.
Palabras clave
statistical significance, altitude, article, controlled study, data analysis, delivery, gestational age, human, morbidity, newborn, normal human, oximetry, oxygen saturation, Peru, priority journal