6.1 Proyectos de investigación científica
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Publicación10-pi-Electron arenes a la carte: structure and bonding of the [E-(CnHn)-E](n-6) (E = Ca, Sr, Ba; n=6-8) complexes( 2016)
;Mondal, S ;Cabellos, JL ;Pan, S ;Osorio, E ;Torres-Vega, JJ ;Tiznado, W ;Restrepo, AMerino, GEn este artículo, brindamos evidencia sólida para demostrar que, entre una diversidad estructural abrumadora, los metales alcalinotérreos (Ca, Sr, Ba) tienen la capacidad de formar compuestos sándwich invertidos con C6H6, C7H7+ y C8H82+ de simetría Dnh y fórmula general [E –(CnHn)–E]n−6 (n = 6–8) con núcleos aromáticos planares de 10 π electrones en virtud de la transferencia de dos electrones por átomo de metal al anillo. -
Publicación112 hormonal supplementation strategies for improvement of pregnancy rates in embryo transfer in alpacas(CSIRO Publishing, 2017)
;Vivanco-Mackie, H. W. ;Ponce-Salazar, M. D. ;Miguel-Gonzales, M. ;Youngs, C. R. ;Osorio, C.Asparrin, M.The aim was to improve the pregnancy rate in recipient alpacas following embryo transfer. Two experiments were carried out, Experiment 1 in the southern highlands (4,100 m elevation) and Experiment 2 (E2) in the central highlands (3,200 m elevation) of the Peruvian Andes. In both experiments, a group of alpaca donors was subjected to superovulation and embryo flushing as per procedures already described (Vivanco 2013 29th Annu. Mtg. European Embryo Transfer Association, 43–74). The synchronization of the recipient alpacas and ovulation induction in both experiments was made by ultrasonography selection of the alpacas with follicles greater than 8 mm and their exposure to vasectomized males followed by an injection of GnRH (0.0042 mg of acetate of buserelin, Buserelina Zoovet®, Laboratorio Zoovet, Santa Fe, Argentina). The embryo transfers in both locations were made by laparoscopically aided laparotomy 6.5 days after ovulation induction. In Experiment 1, 29 recipient alpacas were distributed in 2 treatments: treatment 1 (n = 14) was the control (no hormonal supplementation); alpacas in treatment 2 (n = 15) received an injection of 300 IU of eCG (Novormon®, Partnar Animal Health, Port Huron, MI, USA) and the insertion of an intravaginal sponge containing 60 mg of medroxyprogesterone acetate (Progespon®, Syntex SA, Buenos Aires, Argentina) 72 h after the injection of the GnRH applied at ovulation induction, the sponges remained in the vagina of the recipients up until Day 21 post-transfer. In Experiment 2, ten recipient alpacas were distributed into 2 treatments, treatment 1 as the control (n = 5, no hormonal supplementation) and treatment 2 (n = 5) in which the recipient alpacas received a dose of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (2 mg/kg of tolfenamic acid, Tolfén L.A. 8%®, Agrovet Market Animal Health, Lima, Peru) 12 h before the embryo transfer with the aim of blocking PGF2α secretion and preventing corpus luteum (CL) regression. At time of transfer, control recipients in Experiment 1 showed in average 0.71 ± 0.71 follicles and 1.14 ± 0.53 CL and the treatment 2 recipients showed 2.73 ± 2.52 follicles and 1.20 ± 0.56 CL, respectively, and there was no significant differences (P > 0.05) between treatment groups in the pregnancy rates 60 days post-transfer, being 35.7% (5/14) and 26.7% (4/15) for treatment 1 (control) and 2 (hormonally supplemented), respectively. In Experiment 2, the number of follicles and CL were not recorded; the differences between treatments for pregnancy rates were also nonsignificant (P > 0.05), the pregnancy rates were 20% (1/5) and 40% (2/5) for treatment 1 (control) and treatment 2 (injected with anti-inflammatory) respectively. In the first experiment, the hormonal treatment increased the number of non-ovulatory follicles; this could have negatively influenced its effectivity on increasing pregnancy rates. In the second experiment, a tendency can be observed for better holding rates in alpacas receiving the anti-inflammatory treatment; it will be necessary to increase the number of observations in a new experiment in order to determine if this will have a significant effect on improving holding rates in alpacas. -
Publicación1D TiO2 Nanostructures Prepared from Seeds Presenting Tailored TiO2 Crystalline Phases and Their Photocatalytic Activity for Escherichia coli in Water( 2018)
;Cabrera, J ;Acosta, D ;Lopez, A ;Candal, RJ ;Marchi, C ;Garcia, P ;Rios, DRodriguez, JMTiO2 nanotubes were synthesized by alkaline hydrothermal treatment of TiO2 nanoparticles with a controlled proportion of anatase and rutile. Tailoring of TiO2 phases was achieved by adjusting the pH and type of acid used in the hydrolysis of titanium isopropoxide (first step in the sol-gel synthesis). The anatase proportion in the precursor nanoparticles was in the 3–100% range. Tube-like nanostructures were obtained with an anatase percentage of 18 or higher while flake-like shapes were obtained when rutile was dominant in the seed. After annealing at 400°C for 2 h, a fraction of nanotubes was conserved in all the samples but, depending on the anatase/rutile ratio in the starting material, spherical and rod-shaped structures were also observed. -
Publicación3D elasticity numerical solution for the static behavior of FGM shells(Elsevier Ltd, 2020)
;Monge J.C.Mantari J.L.Se presenta una solución numérica para el análisis estático tridimensional de láminas graduadas funcionalmente con curvatura constante. La solución se basa en tres ecuaciones de elasticidad escritas en coordenadas curvilíneas ortogonales que son válidas para paneles de cubierta esféricos, cilíndricos y placas rectangulares. Las ecuaciones en términos de las variables de la superficie media se resuelven mediante una suma de armónicos en términos del método de Navier, que es válido solo para estructuras simplemente apoyadas. Las ecuaciones en función de la dirección del espesor se resuelven numéricamente por el método de Cuadratura Diferencial (DQM) que permitió calcular fácilmente la derivada aproximada de una función utilizando una suma ponderada de las funciones evaluadas en una determinada grilla. Las capas de la estructura se discretizan por separado mediante la cuadrícula de Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto y los polinomios de interpolación de Lagrange se consideran como funciones base. La continuidad interlaminar del corte transversal se impone como parte de las condiciones de contorno del método presentado. Las condiciones de contorno de las tensiones fuera del plano en la parte superior e inferior debidas a las cargas aplicadas en la lámina también se consideran para el análisis, como resultado, este método puede predecir el comportamiento correcto de la distribución a través del espesor de las fuerzas transversales. hace hincapié Este método permitió discretizar fácilmente el material en términos de la dirección del espesor y se analizaron varios tipos de estructuras de sándwich y capas individuales graduadas funcionalmente con núcleo graduado funcionalmente. Se analizan varias láminas sometidas a carga distribuida bisinusoidal y uniforme. Los resultados se comparan con otras soluciones tridimensionales propuestas en la literatura y modelos bidimensionales precisos. © 2019 -
Publicación3D Pose Estimation Oriented to the Initialization of an Augmented Reality System Applied to Cultural Heritage(Digital Cultural Heritage, 2018)
;Rodriguez, RM ;Aguilar, R ;Uceda, SCastaneda, BLa realidad aumentada (AR) aplicada al patrimonio cultural pretende mejorar la experiencia de aprendizaje en sitios arqueológicos, no solo para los visitantes sino también para los investigadores. La estimación de Pose 3D es un problema común en aplicaciones para AR, reconocimiento de objetos, modelado 3D, entre otros. Los sistemas AR utilizan diferentes métodos para estimar la pose de la cámara: detección de bordes y detección de puntos clave, entre otros. La elección del método a utilizar depende de las características del escenario a detectar. En este trabajo se realiza un estudio comparativo de los principales métodos de estimación de pose basados en modelos 3D. Además, presentamos la implementación y validación de un algoritmo de estimación de pose, orientado a la inicialización de un sistema AR aplicado a la “Huaca de la Luna”, una pirámide de ladrillos de adobe construida por la civilización Moche en el norte del Perú. El algoritmo propuesto presenta dos fases, una fase de entrenamiento, donde se extraen puntos clave 3D de una imagen de referencia, y una fase de detección, donde el proceso de inicialización se realiza comparando la correspondencia de puntos 2D/3D utilizando un algoritmo PnP. Hemos comparado cuatro variaciones del algoritmo de estimación de poses 3D utilizando diferentes métodos: descriptores SIFT y SURF para la descripción de puntos clave y algoritmos EPnP y REPPnP para la estimación de poses PnP. Los resultados muestran un error de traducción de 1,54 cm, con un tiempo medio de procesamiento de 2,78 s, un error máximo de reproyección de 1,5 píxeles y una tasa de estimación exitosa del 100 % en escenarios con condiciones de luz normales y altas. -
Publicación4EQUALSCIENCE: mujeres en la ciencia en cinco universidades de la red peruana de universidades(Consorcio de Investigación Económica y Social - CIES, 2017)
;Ruíz Bravo, Patricia ;Alegre Henderson, Magally ;Fernández Revoredo, María Soledad ;Rodríguez Navia, Alizon ;Montoya Blua, Verónica ;García Figueroa, Lourdes ;Pizarro, AranxaMezarina, JuliánAnaliza las trayectorias académicas de varones y mujeres, observando las diferencias de género que existen. Para ello, el estudio se centra en los docentes, y en las investigadoras e investigadores de las áreas de ciencias e ingeniería de cinco universidades públicas de distintas regiones del país: Iquitos (Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana - UNAP), Arequipa (Universidad Nacional de San Agustín - UNSA), Cusco (Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco - UNSAAC), Trujillo (Universidad Nacional de Trujillo - UNT) y Huancayo (Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú - UNCP). A partir del diagnóstico, plantea varias recomendaciones para diseñar políticas que promuevan la igualdad de género en las instituciones de educación superior. -
PublicaciónA 3D-printed prosthetic hand with modular reconfigurable fingers(Springer Netherlands, 2019)
;Mio R. ;Bustamante M. ;Salazar G.Elias D.A.Partial hand and transradial amputations are among the most common levels of amputation. In the former case, a mechanical prosthesis is prescribed, while in the latter case either a mechanical or a myoelectric one are used depending on the patient’s preference and access to the technology. While a variety of prostheses designs are aimed to transradial amputees and plenty others are for partial hand amputations, like the 3D-printed open-source concepts that are activated by the user’s wrist, for a faster and more efficient treatment of hand amputations, one design should be adaptive for different levels of amputation without compromising the prosthesis performance. This work describes a powered prosthesis design with modular fingers and space constraints that allow it to be adapted to different levels of amputation. The prosthesis finger lengths could also be customized to user-specific anthropometry and, besides shafts, bolted connections and electronic components, the whole hand can be 3D printed. -
PublicaciónA categorization of simultaneous localization and mapping knowledge for mobile robots(Association for Computing Machinery, 2020)
;Cornejo Lupa M.A. ;Ticona-Herrera R.P. ;Cardinale Y.Barrios-Aranibar D.Los robots autónomos están desempeñando un papel importante en las actividades académicas, tecnológicas y científicas. Por lo tanto, su comportamiento es cada vez más complejo. Las principales tareas de los robots autónomos incluyen mapear un entorno y localizarse a sí mismos. Estas tareas comprenden el problema de localización y mapeo simultáneos (SLAM). La representación del conocimiento de SLAM (p. ej., características del robot, información del entorno, información de mapeo y ubicación), con un modelo estándar y bien definido, proporciona la base para desarrollar soluciones eficientes e interoperables. Sin embargo, hasta donde sabemos, no existe una clasificación común de tales conocimientos. Muchos trabajos existentes basados en la Web Semántica han formulado ontologías para modelar información relacionada solo con algunos aspectos de SLAM, sin un arreglo estándar. En este artículo proponemos una categorización del conocimiento gestionado en SLAM, basada en ontologías existentes y principios de SLAM. También clasificamos ontologías recientes y populares según nuestras categorías propuestas y destacamos las lecciones a aprender de las soluciones existentes. © 2020 ACM. -
PublicaciónA comparative study of linen (Flax) fibers as reinforcement of fly ash and clay brick powder based geopolymers(IOP Publishing, 2018-10-26)
;Silva, G. ;Kim de Aguilar, Suyeon ;Castañeda, A. ;Donayre, R. ;Nakamatsu Kuniyoshi, Javier ;Aguilar, R. ;Korniejenko, K. ;?ach, M.Miku?a, J.Los geopolímeros tienen un gran potencial para el desarrollo de materiales de construcción sostenibles debido a la utilización de subproductos industriales y materiales de desecho para su producción. La introducción de fibras naturales en matrices de geopolímeros ha mostrado resultados interesantes para producir materiales de construcción alternativos con propiedades mecánicas mejoradas. Esta investigación explora el uso de fibras de lino (lino) como refuerzo de geopolímeros a base de polvo de ladrillo de arcilla y geopolímeros a base de cenizas volantes. Las fibras de lino se obtuvieron del Instituto de Fibras Naturales y Plantas Medicinales, mientras que el polvo de ladrillo de arcilla se obtuvo de los residuos de construcción en Lima (Perú) y las cenizas volantes se extrajeron de Skawina (Polonia). La influencia de la adición de fibras de lino en las propiedades mecánicas de la matriz de geopolímero se estudió mediante pruebas de compresión no confinada y pruebas de flexión de tres puntos. Los resultados muestran que la adición de fibras de lino mejoró significativamente tanto la resistencia a la compresión como a la flexión de los geopolímeros a base de cenizas volantes y polvo de ladrillos de arcilla. -
PublicaciónA Complementary Mechanism of Bacterial mRNA Translation Inhibition by Tetracyclines(Frontiers Media S.A., 2021)
;Barrenechea V. ;Vargas-Reyes M. ;Quiliano M.Milón P.Tetracycline has positively impacted human health as well as the farming and animal industries. Its extensive usage and versatility led to the spread of resistance mechanisms followed by the development of new variants of the antibiotic. Tetracyclines inhibit bacterial growth by impeding the binding of elongator tRNAs to the ribosome. However, a small number of reports indicated that Tetracyclines could also inhibit translation initiation, yet the molecular mechanism remained unknown. Here, we use biochemical and computational methods to study how Oxytetracycline (Otc), Demeclocycline (Dem), and Tigecycline (Tig) affect the translation initiation phase of protein synthesis. Our results show that all three Tetracyclines induce Initiation Factor IF3 to adopt a compact conformation on the 30S ribosomal subunit, similar to that induced by Initiation Factor IF1. This compaction was faster for Tig than Dem or Otc. Furthermore, all three tested tetracyclines affected IF1-bound 30S complexes. The dissociation rate constant of IF1 in early 30S complexes was 14-fold slower for Tig than Dem or Otc. Late 30S initiation complexes (30S pre-IC or IC) exhibited greater IF1 stabilization by Tig than for Dem and Otc. Tig and Otc delayed 50S joining to 30S initiation complexes (30S ICs). Remarkably, the presence of Tig considerably slowed the progression to translation elongation and retained IF1 in the resulting 70S initiation complex (70S IC). Molecular modeling of Tetracyclines bound to the 30S pre-IC and 30S IC indicated that the antibiotics binding site topography fluctuates along the initiation pathway. Mainly, 30S complexes show potential contacts between Dem or Tig with IF1, providing a structural rationale for the enhanced affinity of the antibiotics in the presence of the factor. Altogether, our data indicate that Tetracyclines inhibit translation initiation by allosterically perturbing the IF3 layout on the 30S, retaining IF1 during 70S IC formation, and slowing the transition toward translation elongation. Thus, this study describes a new complementary mechanism by which Tetracyclines may inhibit bacterial protein synthesis. © Copyright © 2021 Barrenechea, Vargas-Reyes, Quiliano and Milón. -
PublicaciónA contemporary approach to the MSE paradigm powered by Artificial Intelligence from a review focused on Polymer Matrix Composites(Taylor & Francis INC, 2021)
;Gomez, C. ;Guardia, A. ;Mantari, J. L. ;Coronado, A. M.Reddy, J. N.Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a broad discipline that uses powerful algorithms to emulate important aspects of human intelligence. Provided by the Industry 4.0 revolution, AI is increasingly applied in different fields from research to production. One of these fields is Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) which studies the relationships between processing, structure, properties, and performance of materials. The application of AI to MSE has triggered the invention of new materials to satisfy the demanding requirements in myriad sectors through the years. In this context, the MSE paradigm emerged as a framework to define these relationships supported by the available technologies at the corresponding time. This is how Polymer Matrix Composites (PMC) were synthesized. During the last years, they have turned from a futuristic solution to a necessity due to the wide range of advantages they offer concerning other conventional materials. The present work presents a modified approach to the MSE paradigm with the application of AI algorithms. An overview of the research advances from 2003 to 2019 in each fundamental link of the proposed MSE paradigm for PMC is exhibited in an organized fashion. This article must serve engineers and scientists working at the intersection of mechanical engineering, materials science and computer science to identify trendy topics in these fields. It aims to represent a starting point for developing innovative methods and proposing new research topics in the framework of the MSE paradigm powered by AI for PMC. -
PublicaciónA differential DNA methylome signature of pulmonary immune cells from individuals converting to latent tuberculosis infection(Nature Research, 2021)
;Karlsson L. ;Das J. ;Nilsson M. ;Tyrén A. ;Pehrson I. ;Idh N. ;Sayyab S. ;Paues J. ;Ugarte-Gil C. ;Méndez-Aranda M.Lerm M.Tuberculosis (TB), caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, spreads via aerosols and the first encounter with the immune system is with the pulmonary-resident immune cells. The role of epigenetic regulations in the immune cells is emerging and we have previously shown that macrophages capacity to kill M. tuberculosis is reflected in the DNA methylome. The aim of this study was to investigate epigenetic modifications in alveolar macrophages and T cells in a cohort of medical students with an increased risk of TB exposure, longitudinally. DNA methylome analysis revealed that a unique DNA methylation profile was present in healthy subjects who later developed latent TB during the study. The profile was reflected in a different overall DNA methylation distribution as well as a distinct set of differentially methylated genes (DMGs). The DMGs were over-represented in pathways related to metabolic reprogramming of macrophages and T cell migration and IFN-? production, pathways previously reported important in TB control. In conclusion, we identified a unique DNA methylation signature in individuals, with no peripheral immune response to M. tuberculosis antigen who later developed latent TB. Together the study suggests that the DNA methylation status of pulmonary immune cells can reveal who will develop latent TB infection. © 2021, The Author(s). -
PublicaciónA distance between bounded linear operators(Elsevier BV, 2020)
;Jung, W. ;Metzger, R. ;Morales, C. A.Villavicencio, H.We extend the classical Banach-Mazur distance [3] from Banach spaces to linear operators between these spaces. We prove in the finite dimensional case that the corresponding topology is metrizable, complete, separable and locally compact. Furthermore, we prove that the Banach-Mazur compactum embeds isometrically into the resulting topological space. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. -
PublicaciónA FAIR evaluation of public datasets for stress detection systems(IEEE Computer Society, 2020)
;Cuno A. ;Condori-Fernandez N. ;Mendoza A.Lovon W.R.Nowadays, datasets are an essential asset used to train, validate, and test stress detection systems based on machine learning. In this paper, we used two sets of FAIR metrics for evaluating five public datasets for stress detection. Results indicate that all these datasets comply to some extent with the (F)indable, (A)ccessible, and (R)eusable principles, but none with the (I)nteroperable principle these findings contribute to raising awareness on (i) the need for the FAIRness development and improvement of stress datasets, and (ii) the importance of promoting open science in the affective computing community. © 2020 IEEE. -
PublicaciónA generative adversarial network approach for super-resolution of sentinel-2 satellite images(International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2020)
;Pineda F. ;Ayma V.Beltran C.Las imágenes de satélite de alta resolución siempre han tenido una gran demanda debido al mayor detalle y precisión que ofrecen, así como al amplio alcance de los campos en los que se podrían aplicar; sin embargo, los satélites en operación que ofrecen imágenes de muy alta resolución (VHR) han experimentado un aumento importante, pero se mantienen en una proporción menor frente a los satélites de menor resolución (HR) existentes. Los modelos recientes de redes neuronales convolucionales (CNN) son muy adecuados para aplicaciones con procesamiento de imágenes, como la mejora de la resolución de imágenes; pero para obtener un resultado aceptable, es importante, no solo definir el tipo de arquitectura de la CNN, sino también el conjunto de imágenes de referencia para entrenar el modelo. Nuestro trabajo propone una alternativa para mejorar la resolución espacial de las imágenes HR obtenidas por el satélite Sentinel-2 utilizando las imágenes VHR de PeruSat1, un satélite peruano, que sirven como referencia para la implementación del enfoque de superresolución basado en una Red Generativa Adversarial ( modelo GAN), como alternativa para la obtención de imágenes VHR. El conjunto de datos de imágenes VHR PeruSat-1 se utiliza para el proceso de entrenamiento de la red. Los resultados obtenidos se analizaron teniendo en cuenta las relaciones pico de señal a ruido (PSNR) y la similitud estructural (SSIM). Finalmente, se presentan algunos resultados visuales, sobre un conjunto de datos de prueba dado, para que también se pueda analizar el rendimiento del modelo. © 2020 Archivos Internacionales de Fotogrametría, Teledetección y Ciencias de la Información Espacial - Archivos ISPRS. -
PublicaciónA genomotaxonomy view of the bradyrhizobium genus(Frontiers Media S.A., 2019)
;Ormeño-Orrillo E.Martínez-Romero E.Whole genome analysis of the Bradyrhizobium genus using average nucleotide identity (ANI) and phylogenomics showed the genus to be essentially monophyletic with seven robust groups within this taxon that includes nitrogen-fixing nodule forming bacteria as well as free living strains. Despite the wide genetic diversity of these bacteria no indication was found to suggest that the Bradyrhizobium genus have to split in different taxa. Bradyrhizobia have larger genomes than other genera of the Bradyrhizobiaceae family, probably reflecting their metabolic diversity and different lifestyles. Few plasmids in the sequenced strains were revealed from rep gene analysis and a relatively low proportion of the genome is devoted to mobile genetic elements. Sequence diversity of recA and glnII gene metadata was used to theoretically estimate the number of existing species and to predict how many would exist. There may be many more species than those presently described with predictions of around 800 species in nature. Different arguments are presented suggesting that nodulation might have arose in the ancestral genus Bradyrhizobium. Copyright © 2019 Ormeño-Orrillo and Martínez-Romero. -
PublicaciónA geostatistical method in GIS to estimate the amount of seabird guano accumulated on islands and headlands of Perú(Asociacion Argentina de Ecologia, 2020)
;Sifuentes-García Á. ;Zavalaga C.B.Lozano-Sanllehi S.The ‘guano of the islands’ in Perú is the excrement of cormorants, boobies and pelicans (guano birds), accumulated in large deposits on islands and headlands. This guano is harvested and marketed by the governmental agency AGRORURAL to meet the demands of local organic agriculture. As part of its management and commercialization plans, AGRORURAL estimates the total quantity of guano built-up on the seabird colonies using a volumetric method. The objective of this research was to propose an alternative geostatistical method that uses the volumetric data collection as baseline but incorporates the slope of the terrain and makes estimations of the total amount and distribution of guano using an interpolation grid model in a Geographic Information System (GIS). The data of the slope of the terrain, depth of guano layer, guano density and proportion guano/rock of georeferenced sampling points (taken with a hand-held GPS) on the island/headland surface were used to interpolate the quantity of guano over the entire surface using a raster kriging model, so that each cell contained an estimated quantity of guano. For this study, six guano bird colonies were visited between June 2014 and February 2018. Based on the geostatistical method, the total quantity of guano estimated varied between 10921 t on Isla Mazorca and 26142 t on Isla Guañape Sur. The GIS grid maps showed that the quantity of guano deposits was not uniformly distributed over the island/headland surface. When the guano total quantity estimates based on the geostatistical method were validated with the amount of guano harvested, the estimation error was less than 18%. This error may decrease with the use of a submetric GPS, ground-penetrating radars and augers. An accurate method of guano volume quantification is crucial for budget, logistic and marketing planning of the guano islands and headlands of Perú. © 2020, Asociacion Argentina de Ecologia. All rights reserved. -
PublicaciónA Low-Cost IoT Platform for Heat Stress Monitoring in Dairy Cattle(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021)
;Choquehuanca-Zevallos J.J.Mayhua-Lopez E.This paper presents a compact and modular system based on Internet-of- Things for monitoring cattle behavior and stress in real-time. It will help to model certain parameters such as temperature and certain weather variables such as relative humidity, solar radiation, among others thanks to Internet-of- Things (IoT) sensors localized in different points of barns and the fields for cattle farming. A main benefit of the system is that it is built with low-cost hardware and low battery consumption. The wireless system also allows the collection of data in real-time and obtains the temperature-humidity index. This index will give an approach to the heat stress in cattle not only on the farm but in the vicinity of the farm. Finally, the high amount of collected data will allow employing Big Data solutions for estimating the impact on milk productivity. In the future, more sensors will be deployed for a more detailed reading of weather variables and their impact on dairy cattle. © 2021 IEEE. -
PublicaciónA Low-Resourced Peruvian Language Identification Model(CEUR-WS, 2017)
;Linares A.E.Oncevay-Marcos A.Due to the linguistic revitalization in Peru´ through the last years, there is a growing interest to reinforce the bilingual education in the country and to increase the research focused in its native languages. From the computer science perspective, one of the first steps to support the languages study is the implementation of an automatic language identification tool using machine learning methods. Therefore, this work focuses in two steps: (1) the building of a digital and annotated corpus for 16 Peruvian native languages extracted from documents in web repositories, and (2) the fit of a supervised learning model for the language identification task using features identified from related studies in the state of the art, such as ngrams. The obtained results were promising (97% in average precision), and it is expected to take advantage of the corpus and the model for more complex tasks in the future. -
PublicaciónA Methodological Approach to Compare Ontologies: Proposal and Application for SLAM Ontologies(Association for Computing Machinery, 2020)
;Cardinale Y. ;Cornejo-Lupa M.A. ;Ticona-Herrera R.Barrios-Aranibar D.Representation of the knowledge related to any domain with flexible and well-defined models, such as ontologies, provides the base to develop efficient and interoperable solutions. Hence, a proliferation of ontologies in many domains is unleashed. It is necessary to define how to compare such ontologies to decide which one is the most suitable for specific needs of users/developers. Since the emerging developing of ontologies, several studies have proposed criteria to evaluate them. Nevertheless, there is still a lack of practical and reproducible guidelines to drive a comparative evaluation of ontologies as a systematic process. In this paper, we propose a methodological process to qualitatively and quantitatively compare ontologies at Lexical, Structural, and Domain Knowledge levels, considering Correctness and Quality perspectives. Since the evaluation methods of our proposal are based in a golden-standard, it can be customized to compare ontologies in any domain. To show the suitability of our proposal, we apply our methodological approach to conduct a comparative study of ontologies in the robotic domain, in particularly for the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problem. With this study case, we demonstrate that with this methodological comparative process, we are able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of ontologies, as well as the gaps still needed to fill in the target domain (SLAM for our study case). © 2020 ACM.