Evaluación del almidón resistente en un producto listo para consumir (Ready To Eat) a partir de quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) Zela Gutierrez, Marshury Alda es_PE Gamarra Gamarra, Izaura Julia es_PE 2024-05-30T23:13:38Z 2024-05-30T23:13:38Z 2017
dc.description Esta investigación no hubiera sido posible sin el apoyo y el financiamiento de CIENCIACTIVA, CONCYTEC y UNSA.
dc.description.abstract Resistant Starch (RS) is a fraction of starch, it does not suffer the action of digestive enzymes, presenting a behavior similar to dietary fiber. In the present study the content of Resistant Starch was evaluated in a ready-to-eat product of six varieties of genetically improved quinoa, from Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (INIA) through the analysis of RS (Method AOAC 2002.02- Method AACC 32-40.01 Megazyme), consequently, the best variety and type of cooking that is preferable for obtaining a functional product was determined. In raw quinoa (INIA 415-Pasankalla, INIA 420-Negra Collana, INIA 431-Altiplano, Salcedo INIA, Illpa INIA and Kankolla) the proximal analysis, Resistant Starch and content of saponins were performed; later, they were selected, cleaned and free of saponin to obtain pearly quinoa; The pearly quinoa was subjected to three types of cooking: conventional, with the addition of coconut oil and pressure; followed by refrigeration for a period of 24 hours at 4 ° C. The product was analyzed to determine the cooking time, expansion volume, water solubility, water absorption and degree of gelatinization; according to values obtained, we can say that the characteristics of quinoa starch differ according to the variety and process used. With regard to the content of the RS, values between 1.66-3.70 g / 100g bs were determined for cooking with coconut oil, these values being higher than pressure cooking 1.12-2.41 g / 100g bs and conventional cooking 1.21-2.78 g / 100g bs Likewise, the formation of RSIII and RSV was achieved, which were identified by scanning electron microscopy; the Kankolla variety obtained the highest RS content, and there was a significant difference (p <0.05) for the variety and type of cooking. Ready-to-eat product was subjected to sensorial analysis, shelf life, physicochemical and microbiological. The results of the sensory evaluation determined that the varieties of greater acceptability in the attributes of color, smell, taste, texture and general appearance were Salcedo, Illpa and Kankolla varieties, these results coincide with the varieties that reached satisfactory yields. Next, the shelf life of 12 days at 22 ° C was determined. The values of the physicochemical analysis show that there was reduction in percentage of kilocalories and from the microbiological point of view the product ready to consume is suitable for human consumption.
dc.description.sponsorship Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica - Concytec
dc.language.iso spa
dc.publisher Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.subject Variedades de quinua
dc.subject Almidón Resistente es_PE
dc.subject Fibra dietética es_PE
dc.subject Tipo de cocción es_PE
dc.subject Contenido de saponinas es_PE
dc.title Evaluación del almidón resistente en un producto listo para consumir (Ready To Eat) a partir de quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd)
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
dspace.entity.type Publication