Posture, blood velocity in common femoral vein, and prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism

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Ashby E.C.
Ashford N.S.
Campbell M.J.
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The Lancet
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Might leg elevation and avoidance of poor postures provide better prophylaxis against venous thromboembolism than heparin or mechanical methods? 12 supine subjects tilted in 3° increments from 6° leg-down to 12° leg-up showed linear increase in mean peak blood velocity and reduction in calibre in the common femoral vein (colour-duplex ultrasound). Between horizontal and 6° leg-up, velocity was increased by 17% and diameter reduced by 14%. A ranking of mean peak velocities in six postures (sitting; standing; trunk raised 35° to legs which were first horizontal and then tilted up 6°; supine, first horizontal then 6° leg-up) showed significant increases in velocity between consecutive positions.
We thank Dr G Comstock and Dr Karen Bandeen-Roche for advice on the paper; Dr C Sanchez, Ms J B Phu, Ms D Sara, and Ms Atenas for technical support; the community of Las Pampas de San Juan for their cooperation; and Mr Patrick Heagerty for computer software. The study was supported by CONCYTEC, Peru, and the RG-ER fund.
Palabras clave
vein thrombosis, heparin, article, blood flow velocity, body posture, color ultrasound flowmetry, femoral vein, priority journal, sitting, standing, thromboembolism, Adult, Aged, Blood Flow Velocity, Female, Femoral Vein, Human