Evaluación y simulación de un piso radiante en el albergue del centro poblado de Imata ubicado a 4500 msnm en el Departamento de Arequipa

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Castro Cuba Checya, Pio Roque
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Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa
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In the present work the evaluation and simulation of a heating system by radiant floor installedin the shelter of the town of Imata was carried out this with the purpose of knowing theenergetic contribution of the collectors to the thermo-tank as well as to the radiant floor, andat the same time perform the simulation for the behavior of the temperature on the floorsurface and its effect on the temperature inside the enclosure.The calculation of the energy delivered by the collectors to the tank and radiant floor has beenexperimentally determined. For the first evaluation, a value of 72,83 kWh was obtained forthe collectors, 36,08 kWh for the radiant floor and 12,98 kWh for the thermo-tank; for thesecond evaluation, which evaluated only the radiant floor, 80,77 kWh of energy used by thecollectors and 63,68 kWh delivered to the radiant floor were obtained; for the third evaluation,which also evaluated only the radiant floor, 71,29 kWh of energy used by the collectors and50,55 kWh delivered to the floor were obtained, of these quantities has that in the course ofthe collectors either to the thermo-tank or radiant floor there is considerable loss of energy .The simulation that takes into account the properties of the building materials of the sheltershow curves of surface temperature and temperature of the interior of the shelter that onlytakes into account the energy input of the radiant floor, is not included for the simulation thecontribution of external loads.We found the energy transmitted by the radiant floor during the night or while the heatingsystem does not work where it was obtained value of 37 kWh and 27 kWh for the nights ofJuly 30 and 31 respectively, the energy delivered to the floor the next day is 29 kWh and 18kWh (July 31 and August 1) so that the radiant floor installed in the Imata Shelter does notprovide the energy it lost during the night of July 30 and 31, It is missing 8 kWh and 9 kWhrespectively to compensate for the energy it transmitted , however the temperature inside theshelter is at maximum average around 18 ° C on the day this is 7 ° C more, compared to thetemperature outside, which is thermally pleasant for residents of the shelter.
El desarrollo de esta tesis fue posible debido al financiamiento recibido por el Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y de Innovación Tecnológica (FONDECYT) del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnológica e Innovación Tecnológica (CONCYTEC) por medio del convenio de financiación Nº 024-2016.
Palabras clave
Termo tanque, Piso radiante, Colectores solares, Calefacción solar