Design and implementation of a mechanical system for a ground based synthetic aperture radar with automatic antenna pointing: Preliminary results

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Ortecho, Daniel
Milla, Marco
Charapaqui, Saul
Arboleda, Edward
Florentino, Andre
De La Jara, Cesar
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Melting of the snow covering the Andes mountains is a negative result of climate change. It affects the ecosystem that surrounds the snow peaks causing the loss of water resources the human life. Motivated by this situation, scientists are studying the variation of snow throughout seasons in the Andes. In order to contribute with this type of measurements, the Geophysical Institute of Peru is developing at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory a portable Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) system that would be utilized to measure the variation of dry snow in the snowcapped mountains in Peru. The system will work in C-band and it will be able to operate in two different modes: Stripmap and Spotlight. In this work, we are presenting the SAR's design, specifically, the advances in the development of the horn antennas and the mechanical structure of the radar.
Special thanks to the CIELO (Cluster of Instruments for Equatorial & Low-Latitude Observations) staff at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory for their technical support, and to Joaquim Fortuny Ph.D. for his guidance in the implementation of this project. Also, We thank FONDECYT for the support to this project through the agreement N?-PIAP-2-P-434-14. The Jicamarca Radio Observatory is a facility of the Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) operated with support from the NSF award AGS-1433968 through Cornell University.
Palabras clave
Synthetic aperture radar, Horn antennas, Snow, Mathematical model, Radar antennas, Climate change