Indigenous and tribal peoples' health (The Lancet–Lowitja Institute Global Collaboration): a population study

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Anderson I.
Robson B.
Connolly M.
Al-Yaman F.
Bjertness E.
King A.
Tynan M.
Madden R.
Bang A.
Coimbra C.E.A.
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Lancet Publishing Group
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International studies of the health of Indigenous and tribal peoples provide important public health insights. Reliable data are required for the development of policy and health services. Previous studies document poorer outcomes for Indigenous peoples compared with benchmark populations, but have been restricted in their coverage of countries or the range of health indicators. Our objective is to describe the health and social status of Indigenous and tribal peoples relative to benchmark populations from a sample of countries.
Palabras clave
population research, Article, benchmarking, educational status, health status, high birth weight, human, indigenous people, infant mortality, life expectancy, low birth weight, maternal mortality, nutritional status